MMM! We can collectively change any kind of situation with small efforts

We can collectively change any kind of situation with small efforts

We are in pause mode and nearing 2 weeks now. During this period our programmers also have been working on the updating of the system and getting new commands implemented for better service to you all. We really appreciate thank you for your patience and support. 
During the pause mode few people have done a great job by registering new participants in the system as well  as doing new provide help (re-commitment). This is very essential for the growth of the system. We must collectively come together and share our efforts so that any kind of hurdle can be cleared off. Don't just wait for someone to come forward and take the initiative.  Small drops of water can lead to a ocean, so can your small efforts of getting new participant registered in MMM by spreading the correct ideology and getting more and more provide help can help to get off this pause period. 
Just watch this small video and see how small efforts from each and every one can really change any kind of situation.
Long Live MMM


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